The SUPERtrol 1LE (ST1LE) batch controller is a flow batcher for use with pulse producing flowmeter types in liquid applications.
The alphanumeric display shows flow rate and flow total as well as measured and calculated parameters in easy to understand format. Single key direct access to measurements and display scrolling is supported. An EZ Setup feature rapidly guides the user through the basic setup.
The SUPERtrol-I LE can be programmed for rate/total indication or batching. The various pulse inputs and outputs can be “soft” assigned to meet a variety of common application needs. The user “soft selects” the usage of each feature while configuring the instrument.
A 0-20mA or 4-20mA analog output is standard. The user can assign the standard RS-232 Serial Port for data logging, transaction printing, or for connection to a modem for remote meter reading.
An optional RS-485 serial port using Modbus RTU protocol is available. A Service or Test mode is provided to assist the user during start-up system check out by monitoring inputs and exercising outputs. The system setup can also be printed.